>> Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Diet For High Cholesterol Cannot Include Trans-Fat

One of the very first things you learn when you get serious about improving your diet is to "avoid trans-fat". Not only do dietitians and nutritionists say this repeatedly but the evils of trans-fats have also become advertising slogans for many products in the food industry.While this is all good, do you know what trans-fats are or why they should be avoided?.

If so, great! If not then read on and get a short introduction to not only what trans-fats are but also why they are not good for us.Trans-fats start out as perfectly normal and natural vegetable fats. These natural fats become "trans-fats" when they are chemically modified through a process known as "hydrogenation". This process converts normal, healthy fats like soybean or corn oil into solids which are used in many foods that have some type of fat.

Learn More About High Cholesterol Foods That You Should Avoid

The benefit to the food industry is that once fat has been hydrogenated is has a much longer shelf life so the products using it will remain fresher in their packaging for a much longer time.So far so good but the problem comes after we eat the products that has trans-fats in them. Our bodies don't know what to make of this artificial chemical compound and mistake trans-fats for saturated fats like butter or animal fats. Of course saturated fats are well known to clog arteries and lead to cardiovascular disease.

Some will say that since trans-fats have been used extensively for decades that the risk associated with their use is exaggerated. But over the last 10 years compelling evidence has emerged supporting a reduced intake of all type of fat, and trans-fats particularly.It is clear that a diet for high cholesterol, for example, cannot include trans-fats.The goal is for fat of all types to not exceed 30% of total calories eaten.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol Levels

When at the store reading content labels don't be swayed buy notices on the packaging proclaiming "reduced fat" or "low fat" or anything similar. Watch for terms like "hydrogenated oil", or "partially hydrogenated". If you see this, there will be lots of trans-fats inside. It is preferable to choose a food higher in polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats than ones with hydrogenated fats.The bottom line is that, just like saturated fat, trans-fat will increase cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

If you are on a diet for high cholesterol, or if you simply want to take more responsibility for your health you really should include Mila Chia seed in your good health tool box. Mila has the highest concentration of botanically derived omega-3 fatty acids which is crucial to lowering the bad ldl cholesterol levels. Additionally, Mila provides other vital nutrients such as Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, and Fiber. Mila is a raw whole food without taste or smell and can be successfully added to almost any recipe.
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Diet For High Cholesterol

>> Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cholesterol is called "the silent killer", as it accumulates within your body over extended periods of time and will kill you very suddenly. It's common knowledge that checking your cholesterol level regularly is an important step towards maintaining a healthy, long life.

Don't worry if you've recently discovered that you have high cholesterol, though. You can do something about your cholesterol with this early detection. Limiting the effects of cholesterol on your life can be accomplished with certain lifestyle changes. Here are some steps you can take.

Lowering your intake of saturated fats is the first step towards creating a diet for high cholesterol. Fats are commonly misunderstood, as it is believed that all of them are bad. This is false. The human body needs cholesterol and fats to function, but only in limited quantities.

"Good oils", such as corn, olive, safflower, sesame and sunflower, should be used for cooking. Avoid lard, bacon fat and shortening, as these can negatively effect your condition. Each of these oils can be purchased in small volumes so you can try them out. You'll be impressed with how gratifying these choices are.

Following that, you should opt to consume only skinless, lean meats, such as fish, chicken and lean beef. Fish is more effective than any other meat at lowering your cholesterol quickly. As with oils, you can test out many types of fish and experiment with different ways to prepare them before you count anything out.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to give up the things you love to maintain a low cholesterol diet. Angel food cake and graham crackers are just two sweets that can be consumed while on a low cholesterol diet. However, danishes, doughnuts and pastries should still be avoided. You can still have fun snacks and satisfy your cravings for sweets, even during your low cholesterol diet.

For most people, ice cream is the hardest thing to give up. There's nothing better than a bowl of ice cream in the middle of summertime. Ice milk or sorbet can be substituted for ice cream. Ice cream afficionados will still be able to tell the difference, though. It's still better than abstaining from all cold treats.

Cheesecakes and french fries should be replaced with pretzels and baked potatoes. Instead of complaining about what you can't have, appreciate and enjoy what you can have. By implementing a diet for high cholesterol and remaining positive, your health will quickly improve.
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This blog discusses what exactly is high cholesterol. It lists tips that can help to lower high cholesterol that could prevent many potential illnesses


P.S A high cholesterol level can cause many problems down the line Get It Here NOW

P.P.S If you have high cholesterol, you can lower it by changing your diet and maintaining a healthy weight Just Visit Now

P.P.P.S "Safe, effective treatment for high cholesterol isn't difficult -- but it can be confusing. Get the facts" Just Click Here

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